Developer Keys API
Manage Canvas API Keys, used for OAuth access to this API. See the OAuth access docs for usage of these keys. Note that DeveloperKeys are also (currently) used for LTI 1.3 registration and OIDC access, but this endpoint deals with Canvas API keys. See LTI Registration for details.
A DeveloperKey object looks like:
// a Canvas API key (or LTI 1.3 registration)
// The Canvas ID of the DeveloperKey object
"id": 1,
// The display name
"name": "Test Key",
// Timestamp of the key's creation
"created_at": "2025-05-30T17:09:18Z",
// Timestamp of the key's last update
"updated_at": "2025-05-30T17:09:18Z",
// The state of the key
"workflow_state": "active",
// True if key represents an LTI 1.3 Registration. False for Canvas API keys
"is_lti_key": false,
// Contact email configured for key
"email": "",
// URL for a small icon to display in key list
"icon_url": "",
// User-provided notes about key
"notes": "this key is for testing",
// User-specified code representing the vendor that uses the key
"vendor_code": "Google",
// The name of the account that owns the key
"account_name": "Test Account",
// True for all keys except Site Admin-level keys, which default to false.
// Controls visibility in the Inherited tab.
"visible": true,
// List of API endpoints key is allowed to access (API keys), or LTI 1.3 scopes
// (LTI keys)
"scopes": ["url:GET|/api/v1/accounts"],
// Deprecated in favor of redirect_uris. Do not use.
"redirect_uri": "no",
// List of URLs used during OAuth2 flow to validate given redirect URI (API
// keys), or to redirect to after login (LTI keys)
"redirect_uris": ["", ""],
// (API keys only) The number of active access tokens associated with the key
"access_token_count": 42,
// (API keys only) The last time an access token for this key was used in an API
// request
"last_used_at": "2025-05-30T17:09:18Z",
// (API keys only) If true, key is only usable in non-production environments
// (test, beta). Avoids problems with beta refresh.
"test_cluster_only": false,
// (API keys only) If true, allows `includes` parameters in API requests that
// match the scopes of this key
"allow_includes": true,
// (API keys only) If true, then token requests with this key must include
// scopes
"require_scopes": false,
// (API keys only) Used in OAuth2 client credentials flow to specify the
// audience for the access token
"client_credentials_audience": "external",
// (API keys only) The client secret used in the OAuth authorization_code flow.
"api_key": "sd45fg64....",
// (LTI keys only) The Canvas-style tool configuration for this key.
"tool_configuration": {"type":"Lti::ToolConfiguration"},
// (LTI keys only) The tool's public JWK in JSON format. Discouraged in favor of
// a url hosting a JWK set.
"public_jwk": {"e":"AQAB","etc":"etc"},
// (LTI keys only) The tool-hosted URL containing its public JWK keyset. Canvas
// may cache JWKs up to 5 minutes.
"public_jwk_url": "",
// (LTI keys only) The LTI IMS Registration object for this key, if key was
// created via Dynamic Registration.
"lti_registration": {"type":"TODO Lti::IMS::Registration"},
// (LTI keys only) Returns true if key was created via Dynamic Registration.
"is_lti_registration": false,
// Unused.
"user_name": "",
// Unused.
"user_id": ""
List Developer Keys DeveloperKeysController#index
GET /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/developer_keys
List all developer keys created in the current account.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
inherited | boolean |
Defaults to false. If true, lists keys inherited from Site Admin (and consortium parent account, if applicable). |
Create a Developer Key DeveloperKeysController#create
POST /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/developer_keys
Create a new Canvas API key. Creating an LTI 1.3 registration is not supported here and should be done via the LTI Registration API.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
developer_key | Required | json |
no description |
developer_key[auto_expire_tokens] | boolean |
Defaults to false. If true, access tokens generated by this key will expire after 1 hour. |
developer_key[email] | string |
Contact email for the key. |
developer_key[icon_url] | string |
URL for a small icon to display in key list. |
developer_key[name] | string |
The display name. |
developer_key[notes] | string |
User-provided notes about the key. |
developer_key[redirect_uri] | string |
Deprecated in favor of redirect_uris. Do not use. |
developer_key[redirect_uris] | array |
List of URLs used during OAuth2 flow to validate given redirect URI. |
developer_key[vendor_code] | string |
User-specified code representing the vendor that uses the key. |
developer_key[visible] | boolean |
Defaults to true. If false, key will not be visible in the UI. |
developer_key[test_cluster_only] | boolean |
Defaults to false. If true, key is only usable in non-production environments (test, beta). Avoids problems with beta refresh. |
developer_key[client_credentials_audience] | string |
Used in OAuth2 client credentials flow to specify the audience for the access token. |
developer_key[scopes] | array |
List of API endpoints key is allowed to access. |
developer_key[require_scopes] | boolean |
If true, then token requests with this key must include scopes. |
developer_key[allow_includes] | boolean |
If true, allows ‘includes` parameters in API requests that match the scopes of this key. |
Update a Developer Key DeveloperKeysController#update
PUT /api/v1/developer_keys/:id
Update an existing Canvas API key. Updating an LTI 1.3 registration is not supported here and should be done via the LTI Registration API.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
developer_key | Required | json |
no description |
developer_key[auto_expire_tokens] | boolean |
Defaults to false. If true, access tokens generated by this key will expire after 1 hour. |
developer_key[email] | string |
Contact email for the key. |
developer_key[icon_url] | string |
URL for a small icon to display in key list. |
developer_key[name] | string |
The display name. |
developer_key[notes] | string |
User-provided notes about the key. |
developer_key[redirect_uri] | string |
Deprecated in favor of redirect_uris. Do not use. |
developer_key[redirect_uris] | array |
List of URLs used during OAuth2 flow to validate given redirect URI. |
developer_key[vendor_code] | string |
User-specified code representing the vendor that uses the key. |
developer_key[visible] | boolean |
Defaults to true. If false, key will not be visible in the UI. |
developer_key[test_cluster_only] | boolean |
Defaults to false. If true, key is only usable in non-production environments (test, beta). Avoids problems with beta refresh. |
developer_key[client_credentials_audience] | string |
Used in OAuth2 client credentials flow to specify the audience for the access token. |
developer_key[scopes] | array |
List of API endpoints key is allowed to access. |
developer_key[require_scopes] | boolean |
If true, then token requests with this key must include scopes. |
developer_key[allow_includes] | boolean |
If true, allows ‘includes` parameters in API requests that match the scopes of this key. |
Delete a Developer Key DeveloperKeysController#destroy
DELETE /api/v1/developer_keys/:id
Delete an existing Canvas API key. Deleting an LTI 1.3 registration should be done via the LTI Registration API.
Returns a DeveloperKey object