Names and Role API
Names and Role | List Course MembershipsList Group Memberships |
API for IMS Names and Role Provisioning Service version 2 .
Official specification:
Requires JWT OAuth2 Access Tokens with the
Response Content-Type is application/vnd.ims.lti-nrps.v2.membershipcontainer+json
A NamesAndRoleContext object looks like:
// An abbreviated representation of an LTI Context
// LTI Context unique identifier
"id": "4dde05e8ca1973bcca9bffc13e1548820eee93a3",
// LTI Context short name or code
"label": "CS-101",
// LTI Context full name
"title": "Computer Science 101"
A NamesAndRoleMessage object looks like:
// Additional attributes which would appear in the LTI launch message were this
// member to click the specified resource link (`rlid` query parameter)
// The type of LTI message being described. Always set to
// 'LtiResourceLinkRequest'
"": "LtiResourceLinkRequest",
// The member's preferred locale
"locale": "en",
// The member's API ID
"": 1,
// The member's primary login username
"": "",
// Expanded LTI custom parameters that pertain to the member (as opposed to the
// Context)
"": {"message_locale":"en","person_address_timezone":"America\/Denver"}
A NamesAndRoleMembership object looks like:
// A member of a LTI Context in one or more roles
// Membership state
"status": "Active",
// Member's full name. Only included if tool privacy level is `public` or
// `name_only`.
"name": "Sienna Howell",
// URL to the member's avatar. Only included if tool privacy level is `public`.
"picture": "",
// Member's 'first' name. Only included if tool privacy level is `public` or
// `name_only`.
"given_name": "Sienna",
// Member's 'last' name. Only included if tool privacy level is `public` or
// `name_only`.
"family_name": "Howell",
// Member's email address. Only included if tool privacy level is `public` or
// `email_only`.
"email": "",
// Member's primary SIS identifier. Only included if tool privacy level is
// `public` or `name_only`.
"lis_person_sourcedid": "1238.8763.00",
// Member's unique LTI identifier.
"user_id": "535fa085f22b4655f48cd5a36a9215f64c062838",
// Member's roles in the current Context, expressed as LTI/LIS URNs.
"roles": ["", ""],
// Only present when the request specifies a `rlid` query parameter. Contains
// additional attributes which would appear in the LTI launch message were this
// member to click the link referenced by the `rlid` query parameter
"message": [{"https:\/\/\/spec\/lti\/claim\/message_type":"LtiResourceLinkRequest","locale":"en","https:\/\/\/canvas_user_id":1,"https:\/\/\/canvas_user_login_id":"","https:\/\/\/spec\/lti\/claim\/custom":{"message_locale":"en","person_address_timezone":"America\/Denver"}}]
A NamesAndRoleMemberships object looks like:
// Invocation URL
"id": "",
// The LTI Context containing the memberships
"context": {"id":"4dde05e8ca1973bcca9bffc13e1548820eee93a3","label":"CS-101","title":"Computer Science 101"},
// A list of NamesAndRoleMembership
"members": [{"status":"Active","name":"Sienna Howell","picture":"https:\/\/\/images\/messages\/avatar-50.png","given_name":"Sienna","family_name":"Howell","email":"","lis_person_sourcedid":"1238.8763.00","user_id":"535fa085f22b4655f48cd5a36a9215f64c062838","roles":["http:\/\/\/vocab\/lis\/v2\/membership#Instructor","http:\/\/\/vocab\/lis\/v2\/membership#ContentDeveloper"],"message":[{"https:\/\/\/spec\/lti\/claim\/message_type":"LtiResourceLinkRequest","locale":"en","https:\/\/\/canvas_user_id":1,"https:\/\/\/canvas_user_login_id":"","https:\/\/\/spec\/lti\/claim\/custom":{"message_locale":"en","person_address_timezone":"America\/Denver"}}]}, {"status":"Active","name":"Terrence Walls","picture":"https:\/\/\/images\/messages\/avatar-51.png","given_name":"Terrence","family_name":"Walls","email":"","lis_person_sourcedid":"5790.3390.11","user_id":"86157096483e6b3a50bfedc6bac902c0b20a824f","roles":["http:\/\/\/vocab\/lis\/v2\/membership#Learner"],"message":[{"https:\/\/\/spec\/lti\/claim\/message_type":"LtiResourceLinkRequest","locale":"de","https:\/\/\/canvas_user_id":2,"https:\/\/\/canvas_user_login_id":"","https:\/\/\/spec\/lti\/claim\/custom":{"message_locale":"en","person_address_timezone":"Europe\/Berlin"}}]}]
List Course Memberships Lti::Ims::NamesAndRolesController#course_index
GET /api/lti/courses/:course_id/names_and_roles
Return active NamesAndRoleMemberships in the given course.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
rlid | string |
If specified only NamesAndRoleMemberships with access to the LTI link references by this ‘rlid` will be included. Also causes the member array to be included for each returned NamesAndRoleMembership. If the `role` parameter is also present, it will be ’and-ed’ together with this parameter |
role | string |
If specified only NamesAndRoleMemberships having this role in the given Course will be included. Value must be a fully-qualified LTI/LIS role URN. If the ‘rlid` parameter is also present, it will be ’and-ed’ together with this parameter |
limit | string |
May be used to limit the number of NamesAndRoleMemberships returned in a page. Defaults to 50. |
List Group Memberships Lti::Ims::NamesAndRolesController#group_index
GET /api/lti/groups/:group_id/names_and_roles
Return active NamesAndRoleMemberships in the given group.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
`rlid` | string |
If specified only NamesAndRoleMemberships with access to the LTI link references by this ‘rlid` will be included. Also causes the member array to be included for each returned NamesAndRoleMembership. If the role parameter is also present, it will be ’and-ed’ together with this parameter |
role | string |
If specified only NamesAndRoleMemberships having this role in the given Group will be included. Value must be a fully-qualified LTI/LIS role URN. Further, only and are supported. If the ‘rlid` parameter is also present, it will be ’and-ed’ together with this parameter |
limit | string |
May be used to limit the number of NamesAndRoleMemberships returned in a page. Defaults to 50. |